Packing ideas

Rather than provide our packing list – there are loads of these on the Web – we thought we’d just list things we have found really handy or things we wished we’d packed but didn’t! We’ll add to this as we go along………..

Travel washing line and 4 pegs (pegs good for holding curtains together!). Soap leaves and laundry sheets (these are eco products and flat so take up little room).

Some sort of multi tool – we have a Leatherman. Very useful to tighten screws on luggage handles among other things!!!! We also used the knife to prep food when we didn’t have any other implement! Don’t forget to pack in your hold luggage, tho.

Sewing kit – for those pesky buttons that fall off.

Wire – we had a cable made up that went through all the baggage loops and could then be attached to something immovable with a padlock (useful in hostels). We didn’t use this as much as we thought we would.

Water bottles – we used these all the time, and if you can get a strap, that may also be useful. You can get ones that filter the water depending on your destinations. We also had reusable coffee mugs that were collapsable (stojo).

Cutlery – we bought a spoon, fork and knife set that fitted into a case. They’ve come in useful, especially for our breakfasts (yoghurt, fruit, granola etc) in hotel rooms that wouldn’t normally provide cutlery.

Suction hooks – we find there are many places with no hooks in bathrooms etc and have found that suction hooks can help. They are also helpful in campervans!

Packing Cubes – we used two small and 2 larger Millicans. The small ones were ideal for a week’s worth of undies and t-shirts and fitted in our rucksacks. The larger ones were useful for dirty washing and taking to the laundrettes.

2 Replies to “Packing ideas”

  1. Really enjoying reading about your travels Mary! Look forward to more!

    Khadija (you may remember me from Gallium study!) Xx

    1. Hi Khadija, yes, I remember you – hope you are keeping well.
      So glad you’re enjoying our travels – we’re now in Fiji having some downtime to recharge our batteries before heading over to New Zealand xx

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