Eek, our first post – how did we come to this at this stage of our lives?

Seemingly it all started when discussing a 12 month travel plan with friends and family and they all wanted to keep track of our trip – “easy” Mary said “follow us on Facebook” – “Nooooo we’re not all on FB” they said. “Why not write a blog” someone suggested. Hmm, seemed like a good idea. However, after disappearing down a rabbit hole of reading blogs and watching YouTube videos on how to write a travel blog for what felt like several months, we emerged somewhat confused and apprehensive about the whole thing – so many things to think about – domain name, which blogging site to use, hosted versus self host, costs, themes, plugins, coding etc.
So taking a deep breath we went for it – domain name tested – yep it’s not been used – yeah go for it – ha ha first error made, rookie mistake – forgot to do a Internet search until AFTER registering and paying for our domain name. First search came up with a Twitter #meanderingmumfords tag made by another Mumford!

We decided to go down the, self hosted route, selected our hosting platform and here we are. There are many blogs out there that say it’s easy to start a blog; you just need a domain name, a hosting platform and 30mins of your time – believe you me it is not quite as simple as they make out. We are on a steep learning curve and no doubt will make many errors along the way (hence the Lessons Learned page which we aim to update regularly!!). Still we’ve accepted the challenge and hopefully the site will develop into something interesting and worthwhile reading – so feel free to join us as we stumble through the intricacies of blogging and living out of a suitcase during our long term travelling.

4 Replies to “Eek, our first post – how did we come to this at this stage of our lives?”

  1. I am definitely going to keep tabs on you two! You may even be Down Under when I am there – we should check that out. It would be fun to meet up on the other side of the world. x

  2. One blog down and a million more to come! Good job mate! This place feels a whole lot less organised already! I have saved your page to my favourites so you can expect lots of messages to come in the future! Have a blast!

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