Bittersweet Day – the start that didn’t happen.

Will these ever get used again?

Mixed feelings today – instead of being all excited and checking in to Heathrow for the start of our Grey Gap Year, we are in lockdown like most of the world due to Covid-19.

Our suitcases remain packed and under the bed as we can’t quite bring ourselves to unpack them! Instead we are settling into the “slow life” of lockdown (with half our possessions stuck in storage!), helping our elderly neighbours, setting a new task each day, Andy has started baking again, we’re stocking shelves in our local village shop, got somewhat addicted to Wasgij puzzles and enjoying watching spring unfold on our daily walks.

Spring unfurling.

We’re being entertained by a pair of Blue Tits that have moved into our garden. They are busy nest building at present so we shall watch their progress with interest.

A pair of Blue Tits have taken up residence in our garden

We live in hope that friends and family remain well and we plan to travel again in the future when the world heals. It may be a very different world but time will tell.

Stay safe and well everyone x

3 Replies to “Bittersweet Day – the start that didn’t happen.”

  1. Andy and Mary,
    Just checking in to see how you guys are doing. We had a good trip to Vancouver Island and the Pacific Rim Coast and Park. Alaska cruise was good but I got fed up with the food and just wanted to get over it.
    Lots of trees and greenery. Canada is blessed with all these resources.
    Hope your trip is going well. Enjoy and safe travels. I will check in to see how far you have gone and comment as I can.

    1. Thanks Hayley. Have got terribly addicted to the wasgij and constantly search for new ones from all sources!!

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