Return to Canterbury

We couldn’t decide where to go in December and as it turned out to be the coldest week so far this year we opted to return to Canterbury – the site is good, fair price and its easy to either walk or hop on the bus into Canterbury.

Canterbury scenes

Over our cold and frosty stay we revisited Canterbury, headed to our favourite coffee shop with yummy canolis and generally wandered about. The Christmas Market was on and had some lovely locally made products and the food chalets smelt divine! We caught up with friends for lunch in the Parrot (one of Canterbury’s oldest pubs), which was rather pleasant.
The sun even appeared one afternoon which gave us a stunning albeit short sunset.

We also did the walk over the common to the village of Fordwich again.
The sun was shining on golden gorse flowers, red rosehips and bizarrely even a patch of red blackberries! Andy saw a fox dart across the path (of course I was looking in the opposite direction!!).
We had lunch in the George and Dragon and very yummy dessert of warm gingerbread, roasted winter fruits and amaretti ice cream before heading back to batten down the hatches for the nights cold temperatures and deep frost.

We were surprised how busy the site was over our day – some folks were staying over Christmas and others simply passing through on their way to warmer climates via Dover. We enjoyed our short cold trip away and Lizzie certainly kept us toasty warm!

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