Last 2 days in Toronto with Niagara Falls

In the 2 weeks we’ve been away from Toronto it’s surprising how everything has greened up. It was very noticible on the train from Montreal – the snow has gone but there is still lots of water lying from snow melt. Even daffodils and tulips are beginning to flower now, and some of the fields have been ploughed.
On our return to Toronto, we took an organised trip to Niagara, easier than using public transport at this time of year.
On the way we crossed the Welland canal linking Lake Erie (the shallowest of the great lakes) with Lake Ontario (the smallest of the great lakes) and passed rows and rows of vines and fruit trees in blossom.
We started with a wine tasting at the Niagara College (specifically for all things to do with wine and all profits go back into the college to help the students) – we tried their famous Ice Wine (I liked but Andy didn’t!). Then, onto the Niagara Falls themselves – I wasn’t expecting so much commercialisation around the site but the falls were amazing – looking very dramatic with the grey skies above. You forget how close the US is here – literally the Gorge away. We visited the Hard Rock Cafe to get the obligatory keyring!! Then, as it started to rain, we jumped back on the bus to the Maple Leaf shop to taste some maple syrup – it was surprising how different the light, amber and dark were. The trees are tapped once a year.
Then onto our final stop, just as the sun came back out – Niagara on the Lake, a lovely old style town with boutiques and food shops. We bought some Chimney bread from Budapest to go with our local cheese and beer for our late dinner!! Overall, it was a very long day but enjoyable.
Our last day in Toronto was spent exploring the lovely area of Leslieville where our AirBnB is located and then into town to the St Lawrence Market – well worth a trip. Lots of fresh fruit and veg, fish, meat, cheese and bread stalls – all beautifully displayed and places to eat too. We settled for fresh ravioli and sauce before heading back, via The Roy pub in Leslieville (the guy serving us came from Weymouth, where Andy & I met many many years ago!). Then we chilled out ready for our 4 day trip on The Canadian to Vancouver. We have loved our 3 weeks here on the eastern side of Canada and are now looking forward to seeing some of the west.

Horseshoe Falls, Niagara, Canada
Niagara Falls, Canada
Rainbow International Bridge – a Canada / USA border crossing
Niagara Falls, Canada.
St Lawrence Market, Toronto.

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