And the Grey Gap Year Ends

And so sadly, our 380-day adventure has drawn to a close. We’ve been lucky enough to visit 14 countries, travelling by plane, seaplane, motorhome/campervan, hirecars, taxis, ubers, trains, cruise ships, ferries, staying in 81 hotels/motels/AirBnBs, 2 cruise ships, 1 train and  26 campsites and walking our feet off having the most amazing time. We’ve seen stunning scenary, beautiful architecture, wonderful animals in the wild, observed the highs and lows of peoples lives, heard the phrase “cost of living crisis” in every country we visited, witnessed the mighty power of mother nature and met some great people along the way.
Now we return, with mixed feelings, to set up home, see what comes next, and reflect on being so lucky to have been able to go on this wonderful adventure.

And if you’re reading this, we’d encourage you to take the plunge too – life is too short, so live it to the full to the best of your abilities.

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