What Next?

Our strap line was always Our Grey Gap Year & Beyond. Well, it seems we are now in the “& Beyond” stage, having had an epic 380-day adventure around the world. We’ve been home for about two months now, sorting out the house, visiting friends and family, and joining in with some 90th birthday celebrations! However, settling back down has not been easy (certainly not for one of us anyway), and so we’re looking at what to do next – enter Lizzie II. Yes, we’ve only gone and bought a campervan again – different style and layout to the first Lizzie.

We’ve just returned from a couple of nights in Bishops Lydeard, testing her out to get used to her – couple of items to be checked out under warranty but mostly good so we’re looking forward to taking her further afield soon.

Bishops Lydeard was a good base, we took a trip to Watchet on the West Somerset Steam Railway,

Steam on the Bishops Lydeard platform

even though the weather wasn’t brilliant. Sadly, we couldn’t go as far as Minehead as they were using the line for filming the next Agatha Christie film!  So we explored the tiny streets around Watchet harbour instead, admiring the stunning mural depicting their history, from the ice age, through the medieval mint, the mineral line where ore was shipped over to Newport and Ebbw Vale for smelting, the steam railway and on into the future,

Part of the huge mural

enjoying the local market stalls and tiny gift shops before returning on the train for a taste of some craft beer at the Quantock Brewery.

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