Happy New Year

And 2022 has started with a grey overcast day in our area of the UK – the sun teased us out on a walk in the morning but it soon turned to drizzle and then – when we were furthest from home – turned to rain!! Hopefully not an omen for things to come.

I admit I’ve not felt very festive this time around and that the whole Covid-19 situation is getting to me but am trying to find the positive in things and hope that you all can too. Now we’re just looking for a window in the weather to get Lizzie back out on the road and explore another corner of the UK (virus permitting of course).

Wishing you all happy, healthy meanderings for 2022.

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year – hopefully the world will start to heal now with the new vaccines out and who knows, we may get to meander again. But if not, well, we’ll just carry on as best we can.

Be kind, remember the small things that got us through 2020 and appreciate everything.

Merry Christmas one and all.

Well we may not be in Australia as planned but we’re making the most of our UK Christmas at home on our own.

We wish you all a lovely Christmas where ever you may be.

Stay safe, stay positive and be thankful for all the precious things we have – each other, our family and friends xx